Soda lime

Soda lime is used to absorb carbon dioxide or to capture other acid contaminants in order to maintain a breathable atmosphere. It can be supplied with or without pH change indicators. Molecular Products Ltd offers 3 ranges of soda lime with different particle sizes and shapes to be used in civil diving, military diving and industrial applications.

diver in the sea, equipped with an oxygen bottle containing soda lime

Professional and leisure diving:

  • Sofnolime CD and Sofnolime 797NI grades.

Military diving:

  • Sofnolime L and Sofnolime D grades These grades are STANAG 1411 & A DIVP-03 compliant.
  • Sofnolime S for air purification on submarines.

Industrial applications:

  • Sofnolime RG, to capture hydrochloric acid vapours, hydrogen sulphide and other acid contaminants.